Tailings Dam Monitoring: Sensor Installation

Pursue more projects efficiently and confidently.

This case study presents Copperstone Technologies’ innovative solution for Tailing Dam Monitoring with HELIX Neptune, an advanced all-terrain robot. Overcoming challenges such as:

  • Inaccessible terrains
  • High costs
  • Safety concerns
  • Limited resources

Our approach offers a cost-effective and safe method for piezometer array sensor installation. By addressing these obstacles, our solution ensures continuous dam stability monitoring, empowering mining companies to pursue more projects efficiently and confidently.

Client Challenge

Faced with the critical task of ensuring the stability of their tailing dam, our client encountered significant hurdles in installing monitoring sensors along the dam wall. Conventional methods, such as manual installation or heavy machinery deployment, were either impractical or excessively costly due to the terrain’s softness and inaccessibility.

Our Solutions

HELIX Neptune can access any terrain, including areas deemed unsafe for human intervention. Equipped with advanced technology, it can install piezometer array sensors with precision and efficiency. Utilizing RTK-level GPS accuracy, the robot navigates the terrain, drags cables to the required length, and pushes sensors into the ground at designated locations. This process eliminates the need for human involvement, significantly reducing safety risks and operational costs.

Client Results

By employing Copperstone Technologies’ solution, our client achieved remarkable results. They successfully installed sensors along the dam wall, enhancing their ability to monitor dam stability effectively. The cost-effective and safe nature of the solution enabled the client to overcome previous barriers, facilitating operational efficiency and project advancement. Additionally, our client experienced peace of mind knowing that their tailings dam was under continuous monitoring without compromising on safety or budget.

Learn More Today!

Grappling with challenges in tailing dam monitoring, Copperstone Technologies offers a transformative solution. Contact us to learn how our innovative approach can revolutionize your monitoring projects, ensuring safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness in even the most challenging terrains. Monitoring tailing dams has never been easier!

Interested in finding out more? Get in touch.